News & Sources: Why we shouldn’t Trust Elon Musk’s Autopilot

There is consensus in the news and tech industries about one thing: Why does Elon Musk keep on touting the autopilot feature when it is far from being true autopilot?

Meanwhile Elon Musk plans to continue his autopilot program. Why? Some say to use consumers as a base to test their products. Others say it is simply because its Elon Musk. Bad Business and Bad Foresight.

Below is a collection of sources showing a consensus of a dissatisfied and lied to consumer, news and tech base.

The Daily Beast: How Tesla and Elon Musk Exaggeraged Safety Claims About Autopilot and Cars

Consumer Reports: Tesla’s Autopilot: Too Much Autonomy Too Soon

Reuters: Consumer Reports Urges Tesla to Disable Auto Steering

Reuters: Influential consumer magazine urges Tesla disable auto steering

Fortune: Consumer Reports Urges Tesla to Disable Auto Steering

Electrek: Consumer Reports calls for Tesla to disable Autopilot, Tesla says no

Wall Street Journal: Tesla’s Price Tag for ‘Masterplan Part 1′? A $4.2 Billion Hole

Additionally a simple Google of “Tesla Autopilot” provides additional research.

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