Elon Musk Critic Sues Tesla, Says Musk’s ‘Agents’ Hacked His Twitter

In a bizarre series of events, a former employee of an energy sector services company has claimed that staff or “agents” from the car manufacturer Tesla hacked his Twitter account.

The complaint, reported by The Daily Kanban, is written by attorneys representing one Todd A. Katz, and oil executive, and comes after Tesla filed its own lawsuit against Katz, claiming he impersonated Telsa’s CEO Elon Musk in an email.

According to the complaint, Katz runs a Twitter account with the username “@ValuationMattrs,” which he’s used to criticize Musk and Tesla for various things, including the company’s planned merger with SolarCity Corporation, Musk’s solar energy company. Indeed, much of the document rants about Musk’s business decisions, before actually getting into any sort of formal allegation.

But on August 4, the day after Katz allegedly sent an email to Tesla CFO Jason Wheeler while purporting to be Musk, “Tesla and its agents, on information and belief, accessed Katz’s Twitter account, @ValuationMattrs, without authorization from Katz,” the complaint reads.

At 3:25 PM, a person logged into this account from an IP address used by the two Best Buy electronic stores closest to Tesla’s factory in Fremont, California, which are around seven and 11 miles away respectively, according to the complaint.

As the complaint points out, both of these stores allow potential customers to handle and try out various electronic devices, including Apple iPhones, with an internet connection.

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