Today’s news indicates the NHTSA probe into autopilot performance has widened

Summary Today’s news indicates the NHTSA probe into autopilot performance has widened. This widening has a chance to catch Tesla’s “big lie” regarding autopilot safety. This article explains the big lie and why it might be caught. This might have demand implications. “So far, so good” We’ve all heard about the Tesla (NASDAQ:TSLA) fatal autopilot […]

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Tesla hilariously finishes dead last in mystery shoppers study, salesmen found to act like ‘museum curators’

Tesla hilariously finishes dead last in mystery shoppers study, salesmen found to act like ‘museum curators’ If there’s a list Tesla is probably OK with not being at the top of, it’s ‘Best Car Salesmen’. The company boasts about its distribution and servicing model being unlike any other in the industry and the latest mystery […]

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Disproving Elon Musk’s “Vertical Integration Theory” for Tesla-SolarCity Deal

Summary Tesla’s explanation of vertical integration benefits from a SolarCity acquisition belies a lack of understanding of what vertical integration means and its associated benefits and costs. The Tesla identified forward and backward integration benefits created from a SolarCity acquisition are murky at best and do not necessarily correspond to traditional vertical integration value levers. […]

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Tesla’s Cheap Approach To Autopilot Might Not Lead Anywhere

Summary More reports of Tesla autopilot users getting into accidents are emerging. While many have already commented on Tesla’s handling of these incidents, I comment on the technical side of the autopilot technology Tesla is using. Aside from product management issues, Tesla’s approach might not lead to fully autonomous driving in principle. A self-driving car […]

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